कृषि महाविद्यालय, बदनापुर जि. जालना - ४३१ २०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Badnapur Dist. Jalna - 431 202 (Maharashtra)


1. Classrooms

Sr.no. Classroom Student Capacity Size(Sq.ft) Justify if it sufficient to the meat required
1. 1 40 500 Fulfill the requirement.

2. Laboratories

To perform physical, chemical, biological and mineralogical properties sophisticated instruments are available in the department to list few are, pH, EC meter, UV -visible spectrophotometer, flame photometer, etc.

Sr.no. Laboratory Student Capacity Size(Sq.ft) Justify if it sufficient to the meat required
1. 1 20 500 Fulfill the requirement of a PG program

List of major equipment

Sr.no. Laboratory Sr.no. PG Laboratory
1. pH meter 7. Tensiometer
2. EC meter 8. Hot air ovan
3. Flame photometer 9. Kjeldahl digestion unit
4. Spectronic -20 10. Heating coils
5. Muffle furnace 11. Stirrer
6. Electric shaker 12. Hot plate

3. Experimental Farm

Sr.no. Area Irrigation facilities Remarks
1. 0.8 ha Sprinkler irrigation set - 01 Experiment of M.Sc. (Agri.) students conducted.